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Discover the Inspirational Tale of Anne "Friesio" de Vries

Dive into the heartwarming story of Anne “Friesio” de Vries, whose journey from adversity to triumph has touched countless lives. Born during WWII with severe disabilities, Friesio’s resilience and passion for nature led him to write a remarkable book about the nuthatch bird, captivating readers and even royalty. His encounter with Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in 1987 highlights a legacy of courage and inspiration. Click below to read more about Friesio’s extraordinary life and the foundation created in his honor.

Welcome to the Friesio Foundation,

At the Friesio Foundation, we believe that everyone, regardless of their abilities, deserves a life filled with care, safety, meaningful choices, and opportunities for achievement. Our mission is to create communities where each individual can participate as an equal citizen.

Every donation at Friesio Foundation is a step toward a brighter future. Join us in channeling resources into a mission that transcends economic motives.

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